Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why and Thanks

This site is a place for creative folk who have been exposed to excessive boganity to contribute their art / writing and share it amongst others who understand.  All submissions must feature a bogan and be original work.  All copyright remains the property of the author/artist.  This can be low brow or high brow, as long as its fun and helps you cope with facing the daily antics of the bogues that surround you.
Anyone can contribute ~ send an email to
Why: Because the good folk at Things Bogans Like have made us aware of the enormity of the current bogan problem in Australia, I thought we needed a therapeutic art space to explore our reactions to the horror they have shone a light upon.
Thanks: To the guys at Things Bogans Like ~ Buy their book and contribute something on this page as a way of thanking them.  Lets give them a smile.  We probably owe them more than a few.
Disclaimer: I know sweet FA about wordpress and bloggery – don’t expect fanciness and you wont be disappointed.  If you have special needs re your work, send instructions.