
So You Think You’ve Been Traumatised

OK, so you’re a sensitive non-bogue drowning in a sea of stupidity.  You can write fiction, poetry, haiku, limericks, songs and all manner of text on demand.  What better way  is there of releasing the pain, exploring your feelings and mentally masturbating than whipping up a contribution for this page?  Others, just like yourself, trying to remain calm in this sick, sad world, can read your efforts and ease their suffering too.

Medical professionals recommend that creative purging within 72 hours of intense bogue-contact, can help prevent bogue-osmosis from occurring. 

All you need to do is write something, include at least one bogan or bogue reference in your efforts and send it via email to vivisection40@hotmail.com.

As a dedicated follower of the Things Bogans Like website (Buy their book!), I must give due credit to those guys for inspiring this blog.  When using the term “Bogan”, I use their definition of the 21st Century peril.

3 responses to “About

  • Simon - Glasser at Arms

    Hey Viv,

    I would call firsties but that would be bogan huh. I have been lacking time to visit your page but I have posted a hasty haiku. We had a pretty good Haiku battle over the weekend which you may enjoy. Stell well dude!

  • Tombarina

    Love it long time, Vivi.

    Shall devote my holidays to finessing a haiku worthy of inclusion.


  • chubbybloodfart

    now that we are back in civilisation I shall endeavour to contribute post haste!

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